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Stay in the know
Entering this week full of gratitude for our Athens family and all the Lord is doing! Thanks for joining us!
A great morning at Athens! Happy Sunday!
A great morning spent in community at the Men’s Breakfast last weekend! Thanks to who all who came — we can’t wait for the next one!
Thanks for joining us this morning! Have a great week!
We had an incredible week of worship and baptisms! Praise God for the work he is doing in the lives of people at Athens!
With a permanent building, we now have the opportunity to host events for the community. This week, CarePortal, one of our mercy and justice partners, hosted their active community meeting at Athens to update social workers and churches on needs in our area. We are excited to continue using this space for our community!
Save the date for Pumpkins & Pizza! 🎃🍕
Join us for a fall evening of pumpkin painting and carving, games, bounces houses, s’more’s, and more! Details can be found at the link in our bio!
We loved spending our morning with you! See you next week!
Thanks for worshipping with us today!
Sunday well spent at Athens! Thanks for joining us!
Our young adults had an awesome day at the lake this weekend! Thank you to the Richmonds and Praiswaters for hosting!
We loved spending our morning with you! Have a great week! ☀️
Thanks for joining us this morning!
We loved spending our Sunday with you! See you next week!
We 🤍 Sundays! Have a great week!
We loved seeing you this morning! Thank you for joining us! ☀️
Thanks for joining us this morning! And happy Father’s Day to all our Athens dads!
Thanks to everyone who came out to help freshen up our building today!
What does Jesus say about feasting and celebrating? How should we include it in our lives and communities?
To dive in deeper, visit the link in our bio and listen to this week’s message.
We had an amazing night to cap off a great week of VBX! 🍧☀️🌭🎈
Thank you to everyone who came out and a massive thank you to all those who served at VBX this week. We couldn’t have done it without our incredible volunteers!
Night 4 of VBX! We have had the best week of Olympic training with you! Can’t wait to see everyone tonight at the BBQ!
Night 3 of VBX! We had a blast overcoming obstacles with you! We can’t wait for the final night of our Olympic training — see you soon!
Night 2 at VBX 2024 was just as good as night 1! We can’t wait to see you again tonight!
It’s almost time to Go 4 Gold! VBX starts tonight and we can’t wait to spend the week with your kiddos! Grab your Olympic torches and we’ll see you soon!
Also, a big shoutout to everyone who helped prepare for this week! We couldn’t do it without you!
We love Sundays! Thanks for joining us this morning!
There’s still time to sign up for VBX 2024 — An action-packed week of Olympic training for kids preschool-5th grade. Visit the link in our bio to learn more and sign up!
Out with the old and in with the new! Thanks to everyone who helped prep Athens for summer! 🌺☀️
Registration is open for VBX 2024! Vacation Bible Experience will be an action-packed week for kids preschool-5th grade. Check out this recap video from last year and visit the link in our bio for more information. We can’t wait to see you there!
He is risen! What a beautiful today to celebrate this good news!
We hope you’ll join us on Sunday morning to celebrate Easter!
To prepare our hearts for Sunday morning, Athens will have a Good Friday service on March 29, 6-7pm.
Looking for somewhere to celebrate Easter next Sunday? We’d love to have you at Athens!
The Golgotha Experience is coming to Athens!
Join us next Wednesday, March 20th at 6:30pm for this free event. For more information about The Golgotha Experience, check out their website at For childcare details, visit the link in our bio.
We had a beautiful morning worshipping with the people of Park Hill Christian Church today. We are so grateful for them and their history in the building we now call Athens Church.
We spent the morning making our official home our own! Thank you to everyone who came out to help!
Reminder that our Sunday service will be at 9am this week for a joint service with Park Hill Christian Church. Following this week, our new service time will be at 10am. We can’t wait to worship with you!
A lot of red this Sunday morning! Thanks for joining us and have a great week!
Thanks for joining us this morning! See you next week!
Thanks for joining us this morning!
Looking to start off 2024 by spending more time in your Bible? Join one of our 2024 Bible Reading Plans! Plans start on Jan. 8 — use the link in our bio to sign up.
Thank you for spending Christmas Eve morning with us as we reflected on the hope we have because of Jesus. Merry Christmas!
Moments from this morning. Thanks for joining us!
Peace. It’s everywhere in the scriptures but sometimes impossible to find in our own lives.
But Jesus. He is the Prince of Peace and he has come to bring just that to our lives.
Annual Athens wrapping party 🎁
Thanks to everyone who helped wrap presents for our adopted families!
Looking to dive deeper? Listen to the Dec. 5 sermon using the link in our bio.
Happy Sunday! Have a great week, Athens family!
We hope to see you at our Christmas Eve Service during our normal service time, 10:45am on Dec. 24th.
All Elementary kids (K-5th) can join us in the worship service (we'll have fun grab bags available!) and AthensKIDS classrooms will be open for Infants, Walkers, & Preschoolers.
So I throw up my hands and praise you again and again. Cause all that I have is a Hallelujah.
Full of gratitude after worship this morning. See you next week, Athens!
Scenes from this morning! See you next week!
It’s better to do life with community. Thanks for joining us at the Athens men’s breakfast!
Thanks for joining us this week, Athens family!
Missed the sermon? Listen using the link in our bio or search “Athens Church Sermons” on your favorite podcasting app.
It’s our favorite day of the week! We can’t wait to welcome you this morning ☀️
We had a blast at Pumpkins & Pizza last night!
A cozy fall day at Lake Viking with great company! Thank you to everyone who joined us for women’s day at the lake!
A wonderful morning of worship! Find the sermon at the link in our bio if you missed it. See you next Sunday!
Pumpkins & Pizza is in just two weeks!
Join us for pizza, pumpkin carving & painting, and costumes! See details at the link in our bio. We can’t wait!
Thanks for worshipping with us this morning! Have a great week!
Head to the lake with the women of Athens on Oct. 7 for some boating, good food, and time together. To sign up, or to see more details, visit the link in our bio. Can’t wait to see you there!
Planning on worshiping with us tomorrow? To prepare your hearts (and your voices) here are the songs that we will be singing together.
Check the LinkTree in our bio for the links to our weekly Spotify and Apple Music playlists!
Summer is wrapping up and you know what that means? Life Groups are back and these awesome leaders are ready for a new year!
Favorite part of Life Group? Drop it in the comments. ⬇️
We are SO excited for the worship night on September 8th at 6pm! Want to listen to the songs we will worship to on repeat? We have compiled an Apple Music and Spotify playlist so you can do just that!
Check the LinkTree in our bio ( for the "Athens Church Worship Night Playlist" and add them to your music libraries! 🙌
Moments from this morning 🙌🏻 Thanks for joining us!
Planning on worshiping with us on Sunday? To prepare your hearts (and your voices) here are the songs that we will be singing together.
Check the LinkTree in our bio for the links to our weekly Spotify and Apple Music playlists!
Thanks for joining us this morning! See you next week! ☀️
Join us for an exciting week at VBX2023 as we learn about our True Hero! More info and registration at link above!
We’re ready for our women’s conference!
If you're in KC we'd love for you to join us as we focus our eyes on Jesus this Christmas. Our Christmas Eve Morning Service will be mostly music, 60 minutes, and will help us all to center the true King this Christmas. (And we'll be out in plenty of time for kickoff of the Chiefs game.) Childcare for 0-2, grab bags for all other kiddos in service. Come join us!
We're loving these songs to prepare our hearts for Christmas and hope you will too! Check the link in our bio for the spotify and apple music playlists!
Pumpkins & Pizza was a great Fall evening together!
Life Groups for Fall of 2022 at Athens are launched! We are excited to foster real relationships – SHARING in one another’s lives, mutually DISCIPLING one another, and ENCOURAGING each other towards MISSIONAL everyday living this semester!
AthensKIDS VBX is launching this summer into Outer Space & Beyond! We’re planning an action-packed Vacation Bible Experience in the Space Lab (crafts), with Galactic Games, and time in the Discovery Station exploring how God has prepared an incredible forever home for those who trust in Him.
We hope you and your kid(s) will join us for this exciting week! VBX is for preschoolers thru 5th grade with lots of need for junior and adult volunteers! More details at the link in bio! #athenskidskc
Brunch was delish so I’d call it a win!!!
I think the preschool class got it—He Is Risen! The Tomb is empty! Celebrating Jesus’ resurrection today was a delight. What a comfort to know he conquered even death. #athenskidskc
See you TOMORROW for Easter at Athens Church! Celebrate the resurrection of Jesus with us at 9am and join us for brunch after. Register for brunch using the link in our profile.
It was a joy to usher in our Savior’s birth. As we all move from Christmas celebrations into a new year, we pray you would treasure the fact that God put on flesh to save you, yes, but also to know you. Jesus knows what it is to suffer, be lonely, experience joy, and live the hills and valleys of life. We hope you seek Him in deeper ways in 2022.
‘Tis the season!
✔️food planned
✔️parties experienced
✔️travel organized
🔲 your heart??
Are you ready?
Join us on Christmas Eve @ 4pm! (6701 NW 72nd St. KCMO 64151)
Wrapping Party for our adopted families was a ton of fun! Lots of Christmas color, music, food, laughter, and playing. We pray these families feel cared for and loved, a small taste of how our Heavenly Father feels about each of us.
✔️ate some pizza
✔️carved a pumpkin
✔️ate caramel apples
✔️sat around the fire pit
✔️defrosted under a heater
✔️spent time with old friends and made some new ones
💯% a great fall evening
Life Group In Action! Just doing “life” together, ordinary things like packing boxes and helping one of their members move out.
That chubby toddler on the left in @crossingkidscomo is now the tall volunteer on the right in #AthensKIDSKC!
We did some thinking about the Holy Spirit and then some dancing in AthensKIDS + streamers. Because dancing with streamers is way more fun than just dancing. Right?!?! Watching even the littlest ones hear about God and His big love for them is a joy. #AthensKIDSKC
Great weather, great food, great people, amazing God. Our church BBQ last Sunday was incredibly fun! We are thankful for the ways God is furthering His kingdom and showing His glory through Athens.
Our Lord is Risen and here's what it looked like for Athens Church to celebrate together last Sunday. Thanks to all the people who pitched in to make our first worship service possible. We had worship led by Garrett Rucinski, 3 kids classrooms for birth through elementary, and we heard from the book of Hosea.
Our kids always ask why Good Friday is called good if Jesus dies? He did the unimaginable for our good—the good is for us. May today be a day of remembering Jesus’ reversals. And if you need a place to worship on Easter Sunday message us or visit our website!
Just a couple of gals working on AthensKIDS tech. Check-in on Easter Sunday via all these gadgets wouldn’t be happening without Leigh. All church plants need a Leigh on their team; loyal, dedicated, and all-in. So thankful for how God is bringing the details together. #athenskidskc
We're thrilled to announce that we'll be having our first worship service on Easter Sunday!
Come join us at 10:45am at Park Hill Christian Church (6601 NW 72nd St.) on Sunday, April 4th. All social distancing guidelines will be in place (6 ft. between groups & masks) and we will have worship, coffee & donuts, and kids ministry for birth-5th grade for those who wish to check in their kids.
Feel free to message us any questions and we hope to see you there!
Workin’ on a little something for Easter Sunday in AthensKIDS! Join us at 10:45am @ Park Hill Christian Church. #athenskidskc
Let’s Go Chiefs!!! 🏈🏈🏈 #chiefs
Something special 🍿 going out to teachers and nurses in our area. Just a small “Thank You!” for all their hard work and sacrifice!
Women’s Grp went rogue tonight!!! (After we studied our bibles. Of course.) You were missed @bond_double_oh7 @lindseyyharriss @loafmanlife @megan_michelle0!
To worship with brothers and sisters in Christ tonight, was a joyous thing. Our hearts are full. Thank you Lord!
Prepping for Outdoor Worship tomorrow at 5pm @ ParkHill Christian Church!
We got to be a part of Young Life’s golf tournament this week. It was fun to see so many people come out to support this great ministry. And God gave us a beautiful day!!!
Are you a lady in the KC area? Need some encouragement and connection with other women? Join us for a women’s grp starting next week. For more info and sign up go to this link:
Needing a simple way to bookend your day with Biblical truths? Try Charles Spurgeon’s Morning and Evening Devo.
The fuller quote, from a brilliant man named, David Foster Wallace that tragically committed suicide: In the day-to-day trenches of adult life, there is actually no such thing as atheism. There is no such thing as not worshipping. Everybody worships. The only choice we get is what to worship… If you worship money and things — if they are where you tap real meaning in life — then you will never have enough. Never feel you have enough. It’s the truth. Worship your own body and beauty and sexual allure and you will always feel ugly, and when time and age start showing, you will die a million deaths before they finally plant you…Worship power — you will feel weak and afraid, and you will need ever more power over others to keep the fear at bay. Worship your intellect, being seen as smart — you will end up feeling stupid, a fraud, always on the verge of being found out. And so on.
Look, the insidious thing about these forms of worship is not that they’re evil or sinful; it is that they are unconscious. They are default-settings. They’re the kind of worship you just gradually slip into, day after day, getting more and more selective about what you see and how you measure value without ever being fully aware that that’s what you’re doing. And the world will not discourage you from operating on your default-settings, because the world of men and money and power hums along quite nicely on the fuel of fear and contempt and frustration and craving and the worship of self.
Have stay-at-home orders been difficult for your relationship with Jesus? How are you really doing? Sometimes it's difficult to articulate but this diagnostic illustration from Tim Keller is extremely helpful. Which describes you right now?
A couple people missing but here’s Athens Church Launch Team as of now. Our times of discussion, learning, sharing, and praying have been life-giving.